
Showing posts from February, 2014

Addressing Our Submissions

Hello all, it's me again, Jonathan (your friendly Senior Editor), and I just want to address a big question we've been receiving for some time now. We previously stated way back in the fall that we'd contact everyone about their submissions "early next year" about whether or not they'd make it in the Chrysalis. Well, unfortunately, we've been short-staffed this semester (we're only 3 people, down from from 4) and while we never had a "large" staff,  I'm currently taking five classes (some of which I'm struggling with) as well and balancing editing, remembering and doing homework for five classes, working with our members to layout and publish the book, as well as trying to maintain a somewhat healthy sleep schedule (that ship has sailed) has proven to be... well, tough. Our faculty member in charge has the oh-so fun job of grading somewhere around a couple hundred essays and such and our submissions coordinator has his large load of c...

Musings of a Future English Teacher

It seems another sleepless night awaits me today, though different from my previous bouts of insomnia. Our submissions this semester, while somewhat scarce compared to previous years, still numbered enough to leave yours truly (Senior Editor) feeling like an English teacher. Trust me, reading a bunch of stories and poetry, good or not, can get tiresome, and add in editing them all to ensure they're grammatically correct in time for publication and it can get pretty tough. Thankfully, I am not alone as our faculty member in charge has a little over 100 essays she must read and evaluate for all her students even as I speak. Oh yes, I totally went there. Whatcha gonna do? Huh, huh? I kid of course, but it won't be long until I will be in her shoes, literally, when I become an English teacher myself. Call me crazy (or masochistic) but as tedious and time-consuming as editing can be, I'd actually rather do this for maybe even my future profession as it's honestly a very ...

The Trials of Publication

We here at the Chrysalis would like to first say we're still alive! Yes, it's been a long time since our last post and we've been working hard, planning ( lots of planning), and preparing for not only the inevitable publication of EPCC's prime literary journal but even the future of the Chrysalis. At this point in time we've been working hard trying to ensure publication would finish seamlessly and so far things are looking up. With deadlines long since done and all material read, the long and arduous journey left is to edit (which is where I come in), layout the entire publication with our fancy, state-of-the-art software and hardware (by the way, we got a phone!) and send it off to the printing press.  We've planned for an early April release (though if all things go well with its printing maybe sooner). For those dreading finals fear not!! For you shall have the Chrysalis  to fall back on as a source of inspiration, comedy, and insight during your long...